Period Project
Period poverty is problematic across the globe and New Brunswick is no different. From my time at Mount Allison and as a woman in general, I have seen this first hand. When women(and anyone who menstruates) are subject to essentially a tax of life. Something they have no control over. This project proposes an initiative to provide organic (free of dangerous chemicals causing endometriosis) period products in bathrooms across our campus as well as period need bags, that students in high need could access. The main goal of this project will be to inform and educate the student population on reproductive health, provide products to those in need, and create a lasting system. The target audience is the student population with a main focus on education for all and those in need. Anyone in need will be defined as anyone facing financial hardship, in which products cannot be afforded or where students need to take funds from other basic necessities (food, rent etc) in order to afford them.

2024-25 Period Project Team
2023-24 Period Project Team
Our Supporters